M profile press fittings types and applications
M press fittings are common types of press fittings that are widely used in both industrial sectors and households. These fittings are available in a variety of sizes to serve both industrial and residential demands. These types of press fittings are extremely reliable and last more than traditional pipework which gives years of leak-free support. M Press fittings normally are of three types of material for particular uses which are described below. · M-Press stainless steel fittings · M-Press copper fittings · M-press carbon steel fittings M-Press stainless steel fittings M- Press stainless steel fittings are versatile which means they can carry almost all kinds of material like chemicals, compressed air, potable water, and gas. These types of fittings perfectly joint thin-walled stainless steel pipes and they contain the best corrosion resistance properties. M-Press copper fittings M- Press copper fittings also highly considered by consumers j...